How to Write a Brilliant Blog Post (Blank Page Fear and How to Deal with It).

Part I: Help!

It’s no good.

You’ve been staring at the flashing cursor for as long as it’s taken for that cup of tea to go cold.

What’s going on?

You thought you were in a good place to write. You’ve got your favourite brew, have already munched through two biscuits, slept well last night, and got the perfect playlist lined up. Today you’re feeling good. Today you have set aside this time to work on your business! Today you will create some excellent content! Woohoo!

And yet.

Nothing is happening.

You don’t know what to write.

You don’t know what your audience wants to hear.

You don’t know where to start.

It’s your first post in ages. Maybe the first one ever (argh, the pressure!)

You take a deep breath and type a little. Is your writing even good enough? You don’t want to put people off.

What about keywords? SEO?

You stop.

And make another cup of tea.

It doesn’t get done.

And you feel sad.

What happened?

The Blank Page won, that’s what.

First up, don’t get down on yourself. The Blank Page is feared by many - from academics to professional writers, authors, scriptwriters - anyone who has “writer” in their job title. It’s not because you can’t write. And it’s not because you lack motivation or organisation or are overthinking.

It’s because the blank page is a beast.

And there is only one way to tackle a beast.

Make friends with it.

Part II: Taming the Beast

Stay Calm (It Can Sense Your Fear)

First up, make sure you’re relaxed. You can’t befriend a beast if you’re all uptight and giving off negative vibes. If you’ve already had your first cup of tea, make another.

Now, stay with me here; I'm not going off-piste: while the kettle is boiling, take a few breaths deep into your belly, releasing the breath slowly and repeat a few times. Once back at your desk (or wherever you're writing), ensure you’re warm enough, not 'hangry', and you feel good in your surroundings (music, a diffuser or candle and plants are lovely). It makes a difference.

Tempt It With Treats

Next, feed the beast with whatever you have. It’s hungry. Throw it a few words! It doesn't matter what. Maybe you just want to tell it how you’re feeling. Close your eyes and tune in. Open your eyes and write. Write for one minute or the length of a song without stopping. Go.

Oh, look, the page isn’t blank.

It may not show the words you want, but park that for now; it is no longer a blank page.

Show It Affection

You’ve relaxed, warmed up, and feel more mindful. Now it's time to think about how your audience is feeling today.

  • What’s going on in the world at the moment?

  • What season are we in?

  • What’s the weather like?

  • What challenges do you think your clients or customers are experiencing today?
    - Are they wondering how to entertain their kids this rainy weekend?
    - Are their shoulders tight with the stress from juggling so much lately?
    - Do they need some admin support in their business?
    - Are they excited about or dreading Christmas?

Maybe they need some reassurance, lighthearted humour, motivation, or advice.

You will never know for sure, but the more you get used to putting yourself in your audience's shoes, the better you can communicate with them. I will talk more about this in other blog posts.

Final Survival Tips

In the digital world, authenticity is winning. People don’t want polished; they want approachable. They don’t want ‘buy from me;’ they want ‘I can help you.’ They don’t want you to talk about you; they want you to talk about them.

Don’t think about you.

Think about your audience.

Relax. Open your laptop. And write for them.

I am Tilly Lander Williams, professional copywriter and content expert based in Exeter, South West UK. I work with big-hearted, female-led businesses to attract your dream customers using the power of words.

Click here to contact me.


10 Awesome People Who Can Help Skyrocket Your Business - Part I